Saturday, March 29, 2008

Who wants a postcard?

I have made the decision to send a postcard from Japan to anyone who would like one, free of charge! All you have to do is contact me in some way with your address where I should mail it. I do not know specifically when I will be able to send any of the cards of course, so make sure the address you give me is somewhere you will be able to receive it sometime between April and August. As for getting me your information, you can always message me on facebook or you can email me ( So if you give me your information, I promise I will send you a personal postcard from Japan sometime during my stay there. I will try to make the postcard from somewhere I have visited or seen or something along those lines (in other words, they probably will not be like the ones in the picture). This is open to pretty much anyone who would like one, so take advantage while you can!


Tach said...

MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! you better, haha
i opened my facebook and this was my #1 newsfeed. a pretty good one, i must say

439 international blvd apt a
oakland, ca 94606..might change later on with college stuff - i'll let you know


Ric said...

Me toooo!!!

You look positively radiant, man! It's great to see!